mandag den 26. oktober 2009

Ken Primby, Ken Lynge Primby

Smiley-ordning skal fordele medie-milliarder14/10 Når godteposen med mediestøtte for godt 5,4 mia. kr. skal op til revision efter nytår, både håber og frygter danske medier, resultatet. En smiley-ordning, der måler og vejer om medierne laver noget ordentligt, står næppe højt på ønskesedlen. Men det kan meget vel blive resultatet. ...Læs hele artiklen på

Ken Primby

Lønfesten fortsætter i kriseramte USA-banker
26-10-2009 11:41 af Gerd Buchhave
Relateret indhold
Wall Streets børsmæglere under bonus-beskydning
Bernanke i angreb på bankfolkets bonusser
Bank-bonusser koster på bundlinjen
Luksusurets svar på Silicon Valley
Glamourøs blondine med forretningssans
Udnyt dollardrop - shop shop shop!
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De to amerikanske storbanker Citigroup og Bank of America belønner fortsat en række ledende folk i virksomhederne med skyhøje gager.Det til trods for, at bankerne tilsammen modtog mere end 90 mia. dollar i statsstøtte sidste år for at overleve krisen.18,6 mio. dollar, svarende til 90 mio. danske kr., modtog 21 ledende chefer i Citigroup i løn i 2008. Det viser tal, som det amerikanske finansministerium for nyligt har offentliggjort, skriver Bloomberg. For Bank of America var der tale om en gennemsnitsløn på 17,6 mio. dollar til 13 chefer.Regeringen skruer bissen påCitigroup og Bank of America, der begge har til gode at tilbagebetale deres statsstøtte, lønner dermed deres øverste chefgruppe næsten dobbelt så godt som resten af de mastodonter, der også kom på listen over så kriseramte selskaber, at regeringen gik ind og ydede dem økonomisk førstehjælp sidste år. Det drejer sig bl.a. General Motors, Chrysler og American International Group.Finansministeriets Kenneth Feinberg, Obama-regeringens kassemester i sådanne sager, har efterfølgende beordret lønnedgang i 2009 svarende til ca. 50 pct. for godt 136 chefer i de pågældende selskaber. Præsident Obama har for nyligt udtalt, at 'det strider i mod vores værdier, når et selskabs chefer tildeler sig selv store beløb samtidig med, at de forlader sig på skatteydernes penge.'

Ken Primby

Lønfesten fortsætter i kriseramte USA-banker
26-10-2009 11:41 af Gerd Buchhave
Relateret indhold
Wall Streets børsmæglere under bonus-beskydning
Bernanke i angreb på bankfolkets bonusser
Bank-bonusser koster på bundlinjen
Luksusurets svar på Silicon Valley
Glamourøs blondine med forretningssans
Udnyt dollardrop - shop shop shop!
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De to amerikanske storbanker Citigroup og Bank of America belønner fortsat en række ledende folk i virksomhederne med skyhøje gager.Det til trods for, at bankerne tilsammen modtog mere end 90 mia. dollar i statsstøtte sidste år for at overleve krisen.18,6 mio. dollar, svarende til 90 mio. danske kr., modtog 21 ledende chefer i Citigroup i løn i 2008. Det viser tal, som det amerikanske finansministerium for nyligt har offentliggjort, skriver Bloomberg. For Bank of America var der tale om en gennemsnitsløn på 17,6 mio. dollar til 13 chefer.Regeringen skruer bissen påCitigroup og Bank of America, der begge har til gode at tilbagebetale deres statsstøtte, lønner dermed deres øverste chefgruppe næsten dobbelt så godt som resten af de mastodonter, der også kom på listen over så kriseramte selskaber, at regeringen gik ind og ydede dem økonomisk førstehjælp sidste år. Det drejer sig bl.a. General Motors, Chrysler og American International Group.Finansministeriets Kenneth Feinberg, Obama-regeringens kassemester i sådanne sager, har efterfølgende beordret lønnedgang i 2009 svarende til ca. 50 pct. for godt 136 chefer i de pågældende selskaber. Præsident Obama har for nyligt udtalt, at 'det strider i mod vores værdier, når et selskabs chefer tildeler sig selv store beløb samtidig med, at de forlader sig på skatteydernes penge.'

Primby, Ken Lynge

Merkel får ja til nyt regeringsgrundlag
26-10-2009 16:42
Relateret indhold
Regeringsforhandlinger i Berlin
Nyorientering i tysk økonomi efter Merkel-sejr
Valuta: Merkel-sejr kan styrke euro
Tysk kanslerkandidat vil skaffe fuld beskæftigelse
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En storsmilende Angela Merkel lod sig mandag fejre på CDU's ekstraordinære partikongres i Berlin. Her blev den tyske kansler hyldet for at have fået sit nye regeringsgrundlag i hus. Et overvældende flertal af de 91 delegerede blåstemplede koalitionsaftalen, som kun blev mødt af to blanke stemmer. Efter at den nye liberale koalitionspartner FDP allerede godkendte aftalen søndag, sagde også CDU's bayerske søsterparti, CSU, mandag ja til det nye regeringssamarbejde. Aftalen bliver underskrevet mandag aften, og Merkel bliver onsdag genvalgt som kansler af Forbundsdagen.CDU-formanden selv understreger, at det vigtigste mål fra valgkampen er indfriet - nemlig at slippe af med socialdemokraterne som regeringspartner i Berlin."Vi bliver midtens kraft - den kraft, der holder øje med, at det er muligt at opnå økonomisk vækst i vores land, men som også sørger for, at alle menneskers interesser bliver hørt," sagde hun i sin tale til landsmødet.Samtidig understregede hun dog også, at den næste valgperiode langtfra bliver en dans på roser. Og der er ifølge Merkel behov for at arbejde med alvorstunge miner i lyset af de fortsat dystre udsigter for EU's største økonomi."Denne nødvendighed er åbenbart ikke gået op for alle endnu," sagde kansleren.Det blev opfattet som en første lille reprimande til den nye liberale regeringspartner, som fik presset omfattende skattelettelser igennem i regeringsgrundlaget.

Ken Lynge Primby

FN-chef opfordrer til kompromis om klima
26-10-2009 07:36
FN's generalsekretær, Ban Ki-moon, opfordrer medlemslandene til at indgå et kompromis forud for klimatopmødet i København i december.Ban beder samtidig i et indlæg i dagbladet New York Times USA om fortsat at engagere sig i spørgsmålet."Alle er enige om, at klimaændringer er en eksistentiel trussel mod menneskeheden. På trods heraf er der stadig ikke enighed om, hvad vi skal gøre," anfører FN-chefen.Han fokuserer på USA's afgørende rolle og er opmuntret over et nyt fælles initiativ fra den demokratiske senator John Kerry og den republikanske senator Lindsey Graham.Tidligere har Repræsentanternes Hus vedtaget en lov, der lægger låg over det amerikanske udslip af CO2 og andre drivhusgasser."Et engageret USA kan føre verden frem til at opnå en aftale om at imødegå klimaændringer i København," påpeger FN's generalsekretær."Et ubeslutsomt eller utilstrækkeligt engageret USA vil medføre en unødvendig - og i sidste ende kostbar - forsinkelse af konkrete strategier og politikker om at håndtere denne udfordring, som tårner sig op," skriver han.

Ken Primby

mandag den 12. oktober 2009

Ken Lynge Primby

Test indlæg .

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Primby. Ken Lynge Primby. Ken Primby


Fodboldresultater - tillykke

Primby. Ken Lynge Primby. Ken Primby



Primby. Ken Lynge Primby. Ken Primby

onsdag den 30. september 2009



Ken Lynge Primby


Ken Primby

OCR Interpretation
The sun. (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, September 07, 1879, Image 1
Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation
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TOiht uuVIM XTVILNO 7 NEW YORn SUNDAY SEP MnEH 7 1R70PRTrF TlmRR 1NTA MASSACRE THREATENED IITHE IKlllL OF TUB UltlTISJl EJIDlSSrJV CJ1IOOL AFGHANISTANAllackrd br NnllTeHnlillfre who the Ameert I PoHerle to Jteetratn Tho MnllnonaIleiliaenla Joined lu the Populnce TheTIe of Ihe Cmbiiaay at 1rreent In DoubtBiMtA Sopt GAt a lato hour of Thurafar night a I messenger travelling pot hnstorcchcd All Khoyl from Cabool and InformedMajor Connolly tho Drltlsh Political Agentlnorlhat tho IJrltlsh Embassy at Cabool had been attackedtBllhotacked by several Afghan regiments which hadjssomblcJ In that city demanding tho arrears01 their pay and that the military escort of theembassy were defending themselves TheViceroy of India Immediately ordered theAtroop at All Khoyl t movo Instantly uponBhutarirardan Pass Gen Hoborta has boonordered 1 proceed to tho Polwnr Pass and ndyanco on Cabool while Qcn Stewart has beenordered to hold Candahnr All tho BritishJorccfl on tho Candahar line will concentrate atCanilahar The forces In tho Khybor Pass arettroDklr reOntorcod and will operate on JollilabadMajor Conolly telegraphed on Frldnr nightthe stilMtnnco of letters received from thoAmoor of Afghanistan which confirms tho IntelllKoncaof tho revolt and adds that tho roglaonts which have mutinied worn joined by thopopulace The Ameers arsenal and stores worefirst plundered and destroyed and tho BritishEmbassy was then attacked by overwhelmingcumbers Tho Ameer declares that he wascompletely surprised by the outbreak Ho endeworcdto qaoll It and sent Gen Daoudahahto Mnj Cavugnarls assistance but Gop Daoudshah was unhorsed and fatally wounded ThoAmoer then sent his son with tho Governorof Cabool and other Influential personages butthe mob was wholly uncontrollable Theattack on the Ilrltlsh Embassy continuedthroughout Wednesday when a fire broke outon the premises The Ameer writing on Thursday says ho is In great distress and Is himselfbesieged The Viceroy of India Is at presentIgnorant of the fate of Major Cavagnarl andtits other members of the Embassy Gen Roberts has already started for the Pelwar PassThe advance on Cabool will be made veryquickly and will b strongly supported TheVlcbroys Military Secretary accompanies GenRobertsLONDON Sept t 6It Is stated that a CabinetCouncil has been called to meet Immediatelyfor the consideration of affairs In AfghanistanThe late war between England and Afghanistan began nearly 1 year ago Tho first startling news that reached this country was recolved on tho 23d of September 1878 statingthat an officer of tho Ameor at AllmuejIJ hadrefused to allow tho British mission to Cnbool togo through thu Khyber Piss and had crownedtbe heights that command tho pass with hisfollowers Major Cavagnarl who commandedtho advance escort of the mission had a long Inten lew with tho officer and warned him thaihis act would b regarded as tho actof the Ameer himself Tho attempt of tho mission t prrveed to Caliool was abandoned for thetime A ItURslan mission had gnnc to CaboolClbolEngland jealous of anything looking like aItunslan advance toward her Indian noBsi8slons sent the mission that was halted by the CAmeers nfllcer Tho lolo of England wasgiven out to b the welfare of her defences along her Indian frontier Thoopposition to tho progress of the BritIstt mission was taken un by Englandand correspondence onsuod between theViceroy of India and the Ameer II1 letter 1 dispatched Into In 1878 the Am er says Ithat hue Government In nnmlHlniMho mission Iwas not HCtunted neyn feelings nt hostility towanEngland but that It feared thnt the tad Ipendenee of Afghanistan might be affected bythe arrival of the mission in Cntvx l Tho litte rnlluded to tho person who wnM destined to b rLItho future Ameer ns my undiillful son th elllstiirriil wiotdi Mahomed Ynkoab KhnnI closed with the imiurineo hint IT the DrillslrllshOopfment should drHP > to send 11 purolyfriendly and temporary mission to this countrywith n Biniill escort not ece dlng twenty or mthirty members similar to Hint which attendeetho Ilimltin mission this servant of God wtiwilnot opprso Its progressTho correspondence wits productive of nosatisfactory reHult and In Noember the 8ocrotry of Steele for India sent to Lord Lylton alengthy despatch reviewing the praxiousleollhy IlsVllch revlowlnl corrcspondenco regarding the reception of thHupnlan rnlfslon at Cabool and the rejection ofthe English mission together with nn olnboratstatement of the case In behalf of Great BritainItx piomulcatlon was regnrdeil us equivalent t tiformal declaration of veer About the semi atlmtim event ooourrod to heluhton England aunonnlness I was the prostentatlonn of i Csword by Gen Knuffman to the Afghan Envoat Tanhkend for trnnsinlHHlnii to time Ameerwith the sentiment that whoever Hided wit lJltHnIrt need not four that 1 hair of wlhhand would bo Injured Shortly afterwnrd thAngloIndian forces crossml thu Afghan Irontier and the war was begun I was I shnr tcontBt for here All tho Anlcr for his dealn announced In February to Lord LyltonViceroy of India by Yukoob Khan tho samwhom tho dead monarch hud shortly before reoferred to M an lllBtnrred wrrth In his lettpr to Lord Litton hut In the mean tlmYnknob Khan bad ben reloiisod from prisonand loft In command nt Cithnnl when tho okAmeer fled On time death 01 Shero All numerous pretenders to time tnrono asserted thouclaims nnd fierce but brief r contests ensuedYakoob Khan holt his own and before the cm01 the spring ho made terms of peacwhim England The peace conditions allowe ooi on memo Sim or July mat 1111jor Ca > ngnari presented his credentials runYakoob Khan replied in friendly terms TimeEntliHRjiy was received with inllitiiry honorsand the people whoso ilinruit of the EnglishJIJlshwn the ostinslblo motive of the former Ameersrefusal to allow a previous mission to i > rowi1 Cabnl wore respectful their demeanor toward tin inlsnlonTime London Tunes correspondent nt Cnleuttrecently wrote as follows The Ameer YnkooKhan Tins already given nn earnest l of his desire to nut up to his treaty engagement liehas shown Major Caxngnirl three let Ilira received by him from Gen Haulmann Two of those d ited March convuyod the Russian Genuriils congritulations on the Ambers suc e lon and thethird written lu May announced OMH Haulfnnnns approaching dcpnitiiM for St 1etersburg Time Ameer consulted Major Cniigniiclas to the answers he should return CnllnltCordnncu with our envoyK ndvlcu time Aneereplied In courteous terrrx ut the Damn tUnesuggestlne thnt all foUl ru eommunUatlouBhouhl nmnt bo sent through the Indian Governllwlrnumstancos of the Insurrertlon of 181tti CuUiol ar not only recalled but almont rtproducid In this nffalr If time niengro nccounUnccouutatlniinl urn truMworthy I A ftr thee ciirrendaof 11 > t Mohiimmed In Oftnber IHJil It wasthought Hint time cnnqu rit of f the nitiulry lend11 iiiiiimpllBhed I and the greater bartof the Ilritlon army was withdrawn ThosIII fit renamed n prl kept omployed In Ibahtonlnu from point to point to quellrlty iiinnrrectlons The Kngllxh werecommanded h > Gen Xlphlni > l < > u and bin preooutlons wxro of the most inengni L met Onti t < <> zd hu fort The ammiiHairliit fort weisocoupliil by them and tho llrlllsh were leftwithout food supplier A rw f eta ye lntr In nenleiicu with Afghan rhlefn the lJrltiJnvoy Hlr William XnKlilin wa murderedOn thee Iht of January following iirlliles orfolowlnl nrt iscntiltulntlon were agreed upon The Jlrltisairrccd to evacuate the country surrendoeOlntrv surrHlorMarly > nil of their artillery nnd nmmunltloiSmut pny a largo award In money In conolderaJ on of Iwlnz safely conducted across theem irontier On the 6th of January the Engllsmarched out from Cabool with 4600 combatCfltji and 12000 camp followers They woreGonuHjlio to march through snow scantily feeand the Afghan riflemen oceu plod time heightmatchlocks all ploled them off with their longrangfho torte of the capitulation amounted to tnothing so far as the safety of the English vimmefpjcerned Two hundred English survivetIme hnntod 1n118h Huriedperilsof KtirdCalioolrls pas amid this nunBant of was well nigh annihilated nl time ntrlnC1Jugduluk la s Many of tho EngllsJP olzod and held Jnllshnolzod raptlvn by theJnP chiefs Only a ltyOcbl8s Ihnle retirejnlRtlt of the 16500 rxrsotis r01r hoS V1 nut of Oabool rxMhml 1 jHlnlnbad RloSJsLaiabaiaa4 S ou at Caudahoi rcfusedtheIfghan summons to surrender Thodo estinod for tholr relief woro detained by troops lackarch of trnnaportntiogi 1842 did the mend English not untIl foroes the end make oftt heir way through Khybor pass and cott the relief of the garrison nt Jetnlllld The English troops entered C bool InH optembor the bazaar was destroyed parts oftho town woro plundered and many of the Inh labltanU wore massacred Cavalry bodtnaw ere sent In search of the BrItish r bdlnho t latter having bribed Drltah guards woremet returning On tho twelfth day of October1 813 tho IJrltlsh forces withdraw t OoobrVPROAR iff MOUNT TERNONrlts Sknktn under the Noeaorthe Chntrtnemad a JlelMnte Knocked DawnMount Vernon had a Democratic Convertton yesterday for tho first limo In many yearso wins thoohangcs made by theowlnjto lhoohnnjes new apportionment I Is In Wostchcstor Countys SecondVssembly District which embraces tho townhips of Eastchoster of which Mount Vernon Ist 10 chief village Bcarednlo Harrison Mamronock New Ilochollo North Castle FelhamRye Wcetchoetor and Wdlto Plains The Cnv entlon was called to nominate delegates to thoS Into Convention Senate Convention and theConvention that Is to nominate a Congressmant o fill tho vacancy caused b tho death of Alexander Smith Trouble was expected androuble arose The fortyseven delegates woroc ailed to order In a hall of tho Mount Vornonh lotel at noon Disorder reigned for five hoursa tftorward Joseph Dellosholmor was chosen asChairman Tho roll was called until Wostchest or was reached and then It was announcedhat I contesting delegation sought admissionOno delegation was led by Supervisor Henderson and tho other by Hugh Lunny A Committee on Contested Beats was appointed andho Convention was adjourned for two hoursImmediately there was an uproar Delegatescrowded around the Chairmans table shook Iheir t fists In the Chairmans face and complained ocalnst the members of the Committeemombr te Cmmltooff Contested SeatsThem mens boon pledged already a delegate cried shaking his fist within a tot of theChaIrman noseIts a putup job cried anotherBut tho Committee wentout and the delegatesadjourned to the barrooms near byCandidate for county offices were thick andho delegates wore buttonholed le Into corners up side streets and on to rear plUsTbo party loaders were also busy and manypoint were settled before tho Convention wascalled to order wrilnLets all see what the devil that Committees doing Delegate Horn cried after most ofthey tie delOllte had assembled Where areDelegate from Wostchestor Over takingschoonersDelegate Horan was appointed to find thoCommittee and after a abort absence he roturned at tin head of tho Committee Tho Committee reported In favor of Inn Lunny delegation Half a dozen motions were made at thesome time but a little delegate with large lungswas bean to move that the report b laid on thetable Delegates jumped up and crowdedaround Ibo Chairmans table Those who desired to be heard banged upon tho table Thebig delegates overtopped the little delegatesand snaking their firsts at Chairman demanded time right to the floor A fracas wnaImminent and Delegate Edmonds shouted Imove that every one except delegates bo putoutoutoutHut thero were difficulties In tho way Theoutsiders who filled the room t overflowingand tin contesting delegation ovorfowlllhlo sOUe 01 thu delegate wore trying to Induce the Chairman to have his orders obeyedtime attention of the rest of time delegates wascalled from tho main Issue t the aide waKnots nf excited struggling men were formedand Youre a liar Its a lie and otherimpolite > expressions were heard above the dinHats ware crushed and toes were trod uponuntil the Chairman deemed I necessary to havethe bull cleared Dut a Huong of men fromWcstchester refused to go out for fear that theywould not be allowed to rnler again A selfappointed sergeantatarms pulled off his coatseized I man by the cat collar and wasknocked down But after getting up ha1g tlrslioutod I can lick any man bore I don t carewho ho Is A delegate was prevented fromknocking hIm down again After hal an hourswort the room wax clearedChairman Dolleshelmer and the Influentialdelegates hud u consultation on time piazza und1 meesongur wan sent to hire another hail IAfter his return the delegates walked up thumain Street to Steinway Hall Delegate 1unlyand four other big muscular mun were statoned nn the stairs and the delegates except ithose from Westchestor were admitted one byonn n their names wore called WelcomeIn big lettera was on one of the walla but thecontesting delegates were not admitted although they almost broke In the doors Threestroll mon were required to brace against thedoor noel keep them on tholr hinges Time report of limo Committee was received and theLoony delegation was admitted tloWhile nominations wore being made n delegate cried Mr Chairman I think youro notdoing things squareWill you como to order the ChairmancriedcriedNoNoYou keep quiet the Chairman with a veryred face cried shaking his list at Ibo delegateI you ilont Ill put you outTho mimis of candidates worn presentedamid considerable confusion and D It ShieldsI 8hlellsof Westih ester MJ Dillon of New llochelleDilonand D C Hlckoy of Eastchostor worn at lengthlonlliappointed as delegates to the Stale ConventionThey worn unlnstructod CnouUonThe appointment of six delegates to tho Congross Convention and live to the Senate ConCnveution was rushnd through although protestswere made The Chairman was donouncod andaccused of gagging the delegates and whilethe voting was going on onn of time delegatesseized another by the coat collar and accusedhim nf voting twice Protests woro also inadubecause time place for holding the conventionhad been changed and the business was endedIn nn uuroar The delegates to the CongressConvention are In favor of Waldo CngressHuthInThu Democrats of tho First Assembly DistrictInn peaceable convention In Yonkers appointedconnlonaJllolotcdnxAidernmn Frederick Shonnard of YonkersWilliam F Moller of Oreenburch and J Howard Klnch of Mount Pleasant delegates to theStnle Convention The eight delegates to theCongress Hutchlns Convention are in favor of WaldoA Touxa aitiDK MISSINGVnneeonnlettiU JUIsuppeiiriince of the Wife ofu Leading Attorney of lleudlnvREADING Sept 6ho highest social circles of this city are stirred up by tho strange andunaccountable disappearance of the young andbeautiful bride of Leaf Smith Esq a loadinglawyer of this district Just two mouths agoMr Smith was married to I beautiful and accomplished young woman named Miss Mamie1 Coulter I resident of Philadelphia MrSmith Is about I year of age and Miss Coulterjust j 18 Tho who is I regardedlst groom rClarded as oneof tho wealthiest gentlemen In Berks Countyand among the foremost lawyers of the Headingbar IIrM t met his bride during her visit to Heading lost year Hho associated with the daughters nf the leading families of Berks Countyand Heading and became very popular bilewoo bright Intelligent and quite pretty Shortlyafter hr llrst advent here Mr Smiths fatheidlod Ho too had been a leading lawyer ama member of the Pennsylvania ConstitutionalConvention Ills entire estate passed Into timehands of his son and his estimated wealth Is aIstmul8quarter of a million of dollarsTIme brldn and groom after an extended wedding tour returned to Heading and made theirhome In time husbands palatial residence In Inmost aristocratic section of tho city Shellacan elegant span of horses at her command mendwas almoM Jolly soon on the most fashionabledrives him had silks diamonds and plenty ofmoney at her command After about threeweeks of married life In Heading she suddeuly disappeared from her husbands restdcncn and left tho city for parts unknown I Is supposed that pnr wonto Philadelphia and It Is generally knownthat her husband Is taking Ieneralv instituteproceedings for divorce Tho report that aharorvdvud ilOOiK n I marriage settlement Isdenied by Mr Smith who hRs not yet consentedto make statement for publicationThe Deniond Embezzlement Cn eHUSTON Sept 6In the Superior CrlmlnaCM teday the Unfit Jury returned II Indllmnt leerembezzlement In six count agalntt Chine Pfmond thedi fjiillinj trcammrer of lime Maisachutts M Mlslonar Socull The cnunK i mcdl > IIW <> urch IH77i pm laiJO on lice pull nf Decemberjs 1J fcMI etC theiM oi J until rr lt7d HIIII mi the ii01 e jruiuarr I tSi3 llux I noulI lit of February 1X71 IIKMiiond tviii nrrMUned and throuflh counwl pleated l leechRiillu Jlill <> tnlliiioiil plan to his old customers > t lower price Ihnamy reel InruM In Uie city foml In your vnltri curlyshale l iUfi iolM > Uiiketi apreamil i A ct A Qw U UrtuulilitJ ea ap UouDU 44C Iliiy Diamond IT You Would IT I aHu lee t Arnmx C h1 he dcnomrci CvnlHf Humphry tarUUu IJiiunoiiitii JrwHIrra cannot detectthee Tht > > Hn a cnMiInx of real Ilaneici l tin it on a purecr > ulal i l teak u hicli iai l ti lorevf Tiny are mon ante 1 unljrat Ilmmilm I I as jewflry tore Alt I UruaJnav iornrrI3lh I it Now York lelo bet lint Iris I Ue has Iagsmihi41IAnierlcun Slur Sun Capsulenine vrrappcr I l eiL Avoid Inferior capiulei oaredA Iftiervames debility nJ neaknennl the <> V Kuiitz engage the pedesIrises who ares to walk for the OLoarv belt Inthe same manner that the competitors for theAstley belt have been engaged Mr Kuntzsaldthnt the proposition had not been entertainedMr Hess laughed when asked about therumor that thin belt had been stolon and saidthat ho could put his hand on It lu twentyminutes There cero many Inquiries at themGarden as to what effect the stealing of the boltwould have upon time proposed walk somosarothinking that It would put a stop to ItI the belt had been stolen It would makn nopossible difference with the match It Is thoproperty of Sir John Astloy until won threetimes by tho same pedestrian nnd tho winnerwliVn taking It from England has always doposited 500 with Sir John Astloy That sum Issupposed to represent the value of thebelt OLcary deposited his 500 when hebrought tho belt over here and when Howellwon It OJVarys money was returned to himWhen Weston eaton over here with the trophythe other day ho left behind him the 500 Sothat If tho belt Is really stolen Sir John caneasily with that 500 have It duplicatedThe London Sporting Life of Aug 23 pubfished tho following notice which Is officialTile Lotc DISTATS CniNriniiiur or TUI WORLDThe next contest per the world championship belt SirJ 1 > Altlisi of which Edward Parson belti 1Is the holder nthl Charles war ell 1 0W chat Ije will tko place at Madison AvenueOarden Hate OllnioresV New York during the weekcommencing Mnnilay I Stbt W According to the I conch It nllion auctbtIy cnn j Join 1 In the match but thow desirousof dolim somum deposit 1110 In our hands on or beforeMonday tcpt I 1 The followingilepoiits In rpcl totlilsmatch lia > e already been made and are enumerated Innurertdlnthe order In which they time len received100 irom Charles Kowellof CheitertownRuw1 Chulrlowl CambridgeEm n e ladtil tom P P We ton ol New York cltv U S AjC J V Irom Ueortce llaziel ol London EnglandI from Peter J PAnchotof New York 1 R AJCIiillrum Frederick Krohno ol New York U S Aim from Frank Hart ot New York USA J111 from Norman Taj lor ot New York USAliu from John Enl 01 Chicano Yorki s AUSA Liexe Promo Illrnin Jackson of New Bedford MassLimo from William Pitcher of U 8 AAta > irom Samuel Merrill of U 8 AAtufrom Outcries Uujon of U S AASe hate received In addlUon an intimation that Edward Perry llatt Wilton airfield County Conn willb one of the competitors and that ida entrance fee willwilforwarded In due courseOn Aug 30 Weston deposited 75 with theurJ i memo antif arm wnicn is tan nuinorizcustakeholder hero and consequently his fullrulstake monoy Is up Undoubtedly Unzail madelR7I1his stake monoy good before Sept 1 FrankHart whoso name Is on the list Is 1 colored man and was entered by EnKolhardtof this city but ho will not bo permitted to startMajor Bruce said yesterday that Sir JohnAstlay oxerclRed supervisory control over thecontests nnd that time bolt would not boopen without exception to tho unoxcoptonknown mob It was designed to bringtogether the picked men of lime world andunless I mun had shown a good public recordI was the privilege of those who representedtho challenged party nnd Sir John Astley toweed hint out of the entry list In the comingwalk caro would bo taken not to cheapen thocontest by the admission of flfthruto menIt would txj as far n possible a star performance Tho muclitalk dof Indlnu does notappear In tho list unless under an unknownname Thoro are two or throe on thu list whohave not yet been identified hero lstOn Thursday Howell who Is exercising Inthe Garden ran from 1 oclock A M until fiull15without u break suva ton minutes In which holt I lunchWeston Is l training on nn eighth of a mile trackIn I little Connecticut village not n thousandmiles from New York cltvBlower Brown Is training upon tho groundsof tho Staten Island Athletic Club NormanTavlor is working on the grounds ot time Manbatten Athletlo Club Huzaol Is expected onTuesday howell speaks In the highest termsor hIm1 lie holds out hell be I vory dangerousman very snld he Ho Is the fastest man Inthe world for from six miles up to sixty nndho has done some good work In six days Ithink that ho Is good for 530 milesMr William LitIon of New Hochollo writes tosay that Mr Charles S Coo Is the backer of WB reported Dtitelmr and not ho La ton as has bleuThe Cnllfornla ElectionHAN FKANCISCO Sort 6The latest returnsfrom the city Indicate thnt thefrolih ril Intlo t Worklnftmen are gainingan II t h possible Cleat they may elect their Supervisorsnnd Kihiml I Dinctori Tho count will probably be completul this altcrnoon acid until then nothing definiteinn mem I ciioii regarding the city lIt tunic from the Intenor confirm previous advicesrun Fxrxn IN ttititiiiisSixteen New Cases Ilcported Yesterday andNine Cases of DeathMnirrnia Sopt GTho Board of Healthofficial reports show sIxteen now cases IncludIDa nine whites Tho cases of deaths todaynumber five whites and two colored Tho deadwhites aro Vim W Locknrd I years 353lornando road John Ilaquot I years 68Adams street Daniel A Fowlkos 20 years288 Poplar street Margaret Hines I yeas233 Washington street James Owens 28 years17G Linden street Mr Fowlkes was son ofho Into Dr Joshua Fowlkcs an old and estimate citizen of Memphis antewar daysGrand Master E O Dudd of tho Odd Followsof Tonnosseo has Issued an appeal for help tho brethren of tho United States t aid theirMemphis brothers Contributions should bsent to Marcus Jones Grand Patriarch of Tonnossoo and President of the Special ReliefJommlttoo Memphis Tonn Tho Masonlo Helot Associations report to date shows thirtymembers or members of their families takensick with yellow fuvor and thirteen cases oftlrluon cesdeathTho Knights of Honor report three new casestodny W J llorlln has had n case nnd fearsire entertained thnt ho will not recover Timewi rocver 1hototal sick on tho hands ot the society numberthirteen IMr Rickets city editor of the Aralanchewho has been up I few days from anattack of fever WaS taken down with a rolapso today Tonight his temperature was104 nnd his condition tom1erlturo manyconvalescents he had boon Imprudent andoverexerted himself Yellow fever plays Its1lnys Itvictims when convalescing You feel like abird turned loose but time moment you beginmy Imprudence for weeks aftergotting up youeel Yellow Jacks fingers tightening aroundyou nnd you sink back Into his grasp A rojapan Is regarded as nearly always fatal Genram regret Is oxpressod at Mr Itlcketts misfortuneTho Howard report having administered tothe wants of 2103 sick since July 20 Of these1297 are set down n other than yellow feverand 336 as of that malady They now have 189yellow aver patients under treatment and 175of other diseases They bavo expended over25000 and owe sunTho weekly report of D J Chandler Secrereprttary of the local Board of Health shows thenumber of new cases during the present weekte prsent152 whites 78 colored 74 under 5 years 10total number of cases of yellow fever to date Is1005 deaths from yellow fever during thepresent week 43 deaths from all other causesdate 17 total 272 number ot deaths from yellow fever toTho weather Is pleasant warm days and coolnights We have settled down to the conclusionM have a yellowfover epidemic for two monthsto comoNEW OBLEANS Sept GThroo cases of yellowfever were reported to tho Hoard of olowday Thomas Witter 10 years old a native residing at 117 Laurel street who was taken sickAug 26 who has recovered J C Matheuseaged 45 his lirst summer In the city of 192 LauFl street and Henry Wongngcd 26 t I native ofranco who dlod a tho Charity nnlveoflow fever this morning Woag came hero threemonths ago He took sick at 100 Bourbonstreet on Wednesday and was removed to thohospital on Thursday where the symptoms ofyellow fnver last night bocamo unmistakableTho first two canes woro In the Constauoo streetto Cnstuoo slretquarter of the cityHAHKAXHept 6Those who died of yellowfever on I M S Boxer at Jamaica and on thooyagn here wero I Archer First LieutenantJ K Bell Paymaster M Jones Engineer asallmakor and a wardroom stewardTOE ALLEGED RAPE OF A PLUMEResulting la ft Kawaolt In whlea 1 Frenchtown we Deeply InterestedFnEMiNaTON N J Sept 5In tho winterof 1875 the congregation of tho Presbyterianchurch In Fronchtown cave their pastor theRev Job Randolph a donation party Amongthe throng In the Ito parsonage wore MissMartha V Hummer and Miss Francos Strikerrival milliners In Fronchtown Miss Rtrvkerworo 1 most gorgeous feather In her hat onothat was said to havo ost9 at wholesale Before refreshments wore served she removedher hat and secreted It lost limo costly plumeshould bo damaged Arising from the table Ishe went to resume possession of them featherbut shn found that It lad boon cut from her hatand arniemi awayIn tho fall of 1878 the lost ultimo came to lightIn a manner that awoke tho gossips emn Fronchtown nnd resulted In n slander suit that wastried hero today before Chief JusticeDeosloy In which Miss Hummer was Juslcotill and Miss Strrnr defendant One day MrsLargo sister of Miss Hummer went Into MissStrikers shop Her bonnet was eyed by themilliner who suddenly pounced upon MrsLargo nnd tried to snatch from her head whatshe thought that she recognized as tho flamingplume sho had lost at time parsonage Attempted explanation nail loud words followed andtime charge was boldly put forth rolowe1 I3S Hummer stole tho feather at the donation party becauso shn was jealous having nothing to cornpare with It In her stock The matter wastalked of by women at tea parties young girlsyounlnt school and men at tho street corners Misscrn8s MisHummer denounced LImO charge as an outrageous fabrication and bolieUng her reputasuitTho ton greatly Injured she Instituted the pendingTho Court House yesterday was throngedthronlodMUs Hummor was examined Shin told thestory ot her alleged wrongs and In her crossexamination sho deported herself so bravelythat It was difficult to determine whether olio orthn Quslollns lawyer was conducting tho examination This afternoon the summing upsummluiwas done lawyers on both sides and then thoChief Justice made his charge which wasstrongly for them plaintiff Tho jury wets out 1two hours and then It camo In with averdlctfor Miss Hummer of 75 und costs wit ILTXCO LAW IS KENTUCKYA Negro Shot to Heath by his Onard and hisIlodr Hanged to n TreeCINCINNATI Sept 5Ella Koarnoy 1whlto lr 1 Tears old living as a servant Inthe family of Mr Fielding beyondfnml Flellnl Union InBoone County Ky about eighteen miles fromthis city was criminally assaulted on Wednesday night by a negro named William JohnsonJIlson who formerly lived In Virginia wasdeployed by a neighbor of Mr Fieldings Hocame t tho lattors house after tho family had Igone to sloop and gained access to the girlsroom by prying the window open On Thursday morning tno ctri was found gagged andtied to her bed and almost unconscious Shodescribed her assailant as best sho could and aparty was nt once organized to hunt him downThey scoured time country thoroughly and atabout 2 P M overtook him on time farm of MrsSarah Grubbn about six miles south of Covington on the Cincinnati Southern Cvlnlwas taken buck to Mr Fieldings farm whoreSties Kearney recognized him at onco Ho was10then examined by Squire Danulstor who committed him temporarily to the lockup In COITown Hall and n strong guard was placedstronl WIaround the building to ulrt escapeAt about 10 oclock Thursday night he wastaken outof tho building under time pretence ofaffording him nn opportunity of getting ballHis guard took him about three Intlli baltown where they bulled and told him that homust die nnd urged him to confess his crlmoPalling to comply he was shot to death fullytwenty charges of buckshot being fired Into hisbody Ynbterday morning his body wits foundhanging to a tree having been tied up as awarning to other negroes Thin Coroner heldnn inquest and decided that ho Cronor clme to hliddeath nt limo hands of persons unknown Thocondition ot tho girl Kearney Is said to bo verycriticalThe nealh of Leonard MontellorvNEWIORT Sept Leonard son of NathanielMontcflore of London and grandnephew of Sir MowsUonttflora and nephew of the late Sir Anthon Rothchild died I the Ocean HOUM this morning of lentrheumatlim which finally went to the brain Uo arrivedhere AUK 3 from EnilanJ Hit ate I 37 and lie wasunmirrled He was reported lobe ery wealthyMr 1 Monte lores mother I a Mlsi Ooldimld daughterof Sir taut Lyon UoldimidtOe DuI da Palmeira and asister of time late Sir Francis I OoKlimU M I how killed by a railroad accident Int year hli tlllodescending tn hlj nephew I Sir Julian Ooldsmld IM m r for llonlion I Mr Iorl 1JU 1 Montcllno I aceborn In Lonlon In IHVI 1 and was educmedat the Unherilly ollege ot London and ot ramhriUeFor some > er lie hud ultcn his attention to literarywork semi was n contilitutor to lice Mivtttntti tmtutvsill ollur petludlcaK lie lull Lugand tee Ihe eaily partnl teat Jnli on n pleniure trip to i time country emit I l itedtics uneldnConimunlti concerning which he wrote aninbreitintf I article which was imbliihcd l > in the Londonr J >Mr 1 Monteflore Si I a man of Blncularly pleasant manners In I religion he wan ft Jew of ties lluforin sect and ameinher of the Nest l Iefltoii Ilefona Synagogue liesides hli lather ant I I mother I whn 1 sure Hynagf leavesInn aitcrs l and a broiler Claude who I Is I now at thetinter lty ol Uamlirldne Ills buy will certainly besent to hnltind leer InicrmeALMr I Monteflors t was not as has been stated the heir ofSir I Moses Mmitcnore his cousins > Sr Arthur CohenSO who represented the Uiltlsh Government at theineva arbitration and Mr Joseph Levy who visitedUils couutrr last Tsar parliu orccidcoeaWHO SHALL SUCCEED TALBOTA TTAHM rIGhT ran TUB aorxnxott8111 IN MSAC1U8HXXHenry L Pierce Charged with nelonilnc to atFirm Kninxed In Illecal Trade In I ColleaDuring the > VarA Lively Faction FightBOSTON Sept GTho political campaignIn Massachusetts Is beginning to show signs ofwarmth On the morning following the publicationcation of Oov Talbots letter declining to be acandidate for reflection It was announced bytho friends of the Hon Henry L Plorco that hewould not rofuso t be tho Republican nominee now that tho Boston Ring had mococdod In forcing Mr Talbot out of thecontest But tho supporters of tho lion John DLong wore not disposed t succumb at tho bhost of tho city clubs and began nt once a vigorous canvass with a stow t controlling thecaucuses in his Interest But tho vigor of thePierce campaign backed by the most Influential Republican newspapers threatened to besuccessful At this juncture the Long fnoton began to declare that tholr mancould the most cosily beat Butlerbecause his record was clean and when I wasanswered that Fierce was also unspotted therecame hint from various Quarters that thismight not bo wholly Pieroos vote on thePresidential question In tho winter of 1877 wasbrought out to alienate limo stalwarts withouteffect Tho cry of Longs strength tn the countrycuntryand the danger of desertions by his friendsdpsortonsto tho Butler standard worn unheeded Thoclaim thnt tho soldier element must be conolllatod by his nomination was almost unnoticedby tho friends of his opponent The Prohibitorydemand for tho candidature of Long as thoprice of time votn of that faction did not deter thefriends of Mr Plorco toAt length It began to be whispered more loudly that something terribly damaging In thorecord of Mr Pierce would damallnj againstb asolnsthim and his friends woro given to understandIlvenjust what that wan by means or proof slips fromthe Traveller office the only Do slps newspaper which supports Long The chargeshad been prepared and put In type Inthat office but only to be hold overthe heads of tho Plorca men as a threat Insteadnf being Intended actually for publicationcualEven this did not stay the Pierre JubICtontdeday last It was hinted In the Prohibitory Indopendent Republican faction Convention thatCnvontonMr Plorco had been engaged In blockade runnine This was tbo first that the public hadknown of the character of te tb chargesagainst air iierco Jno nawspupore naabeen In possession of tbo newpall several days but all had refrained frompublishing them and they will b given outhero for the first lime In limo Globe ot tomorGobrow morning Time facts are gleaned from theofficial papers In tho case of Ilelne Dunhamagainst Herbert W Presby Francis W Birdand Henry L Pierce This was n bill In equitybrought In the Supreme Judicial Court for Suffolk County and sent to Ibo lion Henry WPalno n a master tko testimony and reportthe facts In the caso to the court ills reportwas as follows curt roporIn the month of April 1804 the complainantand three respondents agreed among themselves that they would hlro I store In NorfolkVa and there carry on the wholesale and retailtrade In such goods as should command nready sale that each should contributetoward the necessary capital the sum of1500 should receive onefourth of theprofits aOl bear onefourth of the losses andthat the respondent Presby should havo theImmediate control and management of thebusiness In tbo month of May following onefolowlnsJohnston who was then acting as Adjutantthe General In command suggested to Presbythat ho would mako money byBonding goodsInto that part of North bysondlnl knownpar Crolnaa the neutral territory and exchange themfor cotton providing he could secure the assistance of one Harney who ho said was well acquainted In that part of North Carolinaand competent to conduct the businessJohnston promised Presby that ho wouldsend Harney to his store Presby Informed Johnston that he bad seen Harneyand at Johnstons request called athis house with Harney Johnston proposedthat Presby should furnish the capital that heJohnston should procure from the General thepermits necessary to legitimatize the trafficand as compensation for time service should receive onethird of the profits that Hamoyshould superintend the purchase of the cottonanu toil transportation inoreor to lyorioiic antias compensation should receive onethirdof the net proflts Presby though hethought the terms unreasonable on consideralion concluded to aecedo to thorn On his returnto Boston In May Presby reported to his lOssoelates the enterprise In which he was to engagewith Johnston and Harnoy and the proposedpartition of limo profits At Johnstons requesthe forbore to mention his name His associatesknowing upon what terms the enterprise wasto be conducted and how the profits were to bedivided authorized him to ombark on joint account each agreeing to furnish his share oftime necessary capitalAbout the middle of June the four associatesmet by appointment nt tho Parker House whenand where it was agreed that Prcsby shouldcause an account of stock to be taken on the 1stof July then hat he should purchase the goodsthen In the store ut cost prices that Limo company on that day should uo dissolved and theundertaking abandoned and that Presbyshould send forward tho cotton on hand andsell time same Proshy caused an account oftho goods then In store to bo taken on tho firstof July Tho company then had on Imird procured by Harvey In them neutral territoryfortyfive bales und ono bag of cotton On the5th of July Proeby put the cotton on board aship at Norfolk bound for New York Thus snipsailed from Fortress Monroe on July 10 On thellth lucre was n report current In Norfolkthat a Confederate cruiser was off the capesJohnston and Harney were alarmed and proposed to PrcsDy to purchase their Interest Inthe cotton saying they were determined to sellto some one Prosbv bought Johnstons Interest for 13000 and on the same day liarnoys Interest for t2500 These purchaseshe made on his own risk and account asho had no authority to mako them for his associates On the 20th July time fortysix packagesI f cotton were sold In Boston and 1reeby 1minndlately notified his associates that he wasready to setie For time purpose of settlingthey nil met at the Parker House on July30 The amount of goods in the storeon July 1 and the amount of sIdeslosses and expenses Wore exhibited Asmall sum was allowed to Mr Bird and a likesum to Mr Dunham for oxpetues Incurred forthe common bonellt and 11 large sum to MrPresby for IIIM servlewi and expenditures 1 horespondent Henry L Pierce did limo figuringana having ascertained this net profit on timecotton ho divided onethird thereof Into fourequal parts To this hn added the money contributed by each and onefourth the profitsrealized on sales of goods nt Norfolk The sumu wan taRt awnj Lt ueei A ICOUJwas to account to each of file associutoc Nobooks or vouchers were produced Presby raveto each hln check for the amount so ascertainedand took his receipt In full Preaby did not atthis IntorUow disclose the fact that ho had punchased the twothird Interest Johnson A liarToy nor did he disclose time fact to either oflila associates regarding It n matter notconcerning them Thn complainant claims thatho Is intltld to a deireo against Presby forquarter of the not profits he realized on time intomcat ho purchased of Johnston 1c Harvey Ifthis claim Is sustained by them Court time romplnlnant Is entitled to a decree for Jl10282with interest from July30 IHfil nnd the respondents tHird > V Pietcel are also entitled totIme same amount with Intefst If this claimIs not unstained tlm t bill I I should bn dltmilssodTime Court decided for tho respondentson theground that time trnfllo being beyond tho linesof military occupation nnd contrary to hwnocontract under it could bo legal Mr Piercehas not yet made n Public explanation but willprobably do so at an early day Ills friendsclaim that his defence la I perfect anti thnt hoknew nothing of Illegal transactions carried onby Primby and closed the partnership us soonas ho was aware of It In this ho probably willbo supported by tho nflldavlts of time survivingpartners Prcsby and BirdKlnve County Independent DemocratsThe socalled Independent Democratic Organization of Kings Comity In Hronkljn propQM toknock for Imliilon at lime decr of tha S > rau e omention and tact cwhtnR twit Ai cmby Zliitliit CorneaIIOIM mid avli <> Jamci II Allitmu TlionuihnnK luhn DoMcn iltorife llMinUton Thotnni II lepphim Kilvtln Chimes luhn MclHMjhllii Janm InnMnjAinii tidbit John Mulkr Theodore You MrhhcnJDun Iatrlck Haul Mm Lynili Morrli r lilcke Mf UauV Michael Doiulicrt Jolm II Kulin and rllniiuanAlfuueoa MarriageViENNA Sept fiTbo Official Journal saysthat Klnc tlfanio linvillK at Ariaclloll lolkllcd time liallili > r time Arclultichr Muri ClirUtlnc time Em micron haconnentoJ and tb ArcliJucticii incit Jo > Iully ac >cc liedIXBTRUCTED TO DOLTTammany to Mnrch Ont of the Convention Ifdor Roblneon le NominatedThe Tammany Committee on Organizationmot last evening In tho council chamber In thebig wigwam In Fourteenth street In responseto John Kelly Invitation tho Tammany dologates to the Democratic State Convention attended tho mooting to receive tliolr instructionsAugustus Scholl presided and Edward D Galeofficiated M secretary The business of theCommittee was quickly done and then tho talkabout the Convention began Augustus SchollExCounty Clerk Henry A Oumbloton Alderman William B Roberts ExAlderman HenryD rurroy Gen Bplnola ExSenator ThomasJ Creamer and Charles W Brooke madespeeches They all said that the Tammany delegates should withdraw from the Convention IfIt nominated Lucius Robinson for GovernorAfter hearing those expressions of opinionfrom time spoechmnker of the delegation JohnKelly arose and offered the followingRSwd That In cam the Convention Lassie upon thenomination of Luclia Robinson aalta candidate Ion Governor of the State of New fork tne Tammany delegatelwill leave la 5 bodyMr Kelly supported his resolution la Aspeech that was loudly applaudedDen Splnola took the floor as Mr Kelly Batdown and moved that If Gov Robinson was ronominated time delegates should not only withdraw from Convention but should bold anIndependent Convention and nominate an entire Stato ticket In his speech ho said thatany man who would consent to run on a ticketwith Lucius Robinson deserved defeat as muchas Gov Robinson for that reason ho urgedtime nomination of a bolters ticketThe Generals motion was opposed by JohnKelly and other Influential Tammany men andwas therefore withdrawn John Kellys resolulion was then put to a vote The roll of time delegates was called and every dologato voted InIts favor Chairman Scholl declared It carriedand the delegates and the members of the CommltUoon Organization clapped their hands andstamped their feetAt tills point Gon Bplnola renewed his molion ExAlderman Purroy at once took thefloor and offered time followingRaobI That Augustus Bchfll John Kelly and Frederick Smith be appointed A tubcommittee ofthti delegalion to Consult with delegate from all portion ol theBute In regard to the cache which U maybe advliableto pursue In can or the renotnlnaUon of Luclm Roblnionand that thereupon thl delexaUon be called together bythe Chairman of the tubcommittee to tat acUon ontheir reportThis resolution was adopted by the delegateswithout one dissenting voloo Gen Splnolathereupon withdraw his motion and then themeeting adjournedTTZTT FAST WOLF WAS S1UHDEREDA Tragedy aimenc the Ampahexi la whichthere wn at Touch of BomanceWAsixnoroN Sept 6Tho Indian agentat the Bhoshono and Bannock agency Wyoming Territory has forwarded a detailed account of the murder of Vast Wolf by Waterman an Arrnpahoe Indian of the name tribeThe murdoror was delivered up by the Indiansto time commandant of Fort Washakee whereho was confined but subsequently releasedAftor Investigation the agent caused the arrestof Waterman on complaint made by ChiefBlack Coal Instead of soaking revenge us iscustomary In similar oases limo brothers of thomurdered man desired that the white pooploshould settle the case according to their Ideasof justice Waterman the murderer on theother hand declared bis braveness and said hawas not afraid to die Ho then surrenderedhimself to the military authorities for punishmont The Commissioner has ordered Watermans confinement and Chief Black Coal hasmade himself responsible for Watermans appoaranco when required Yellow Eyes timewife of Fast Wolf who was with him when bowas shot testified that she had heard throughher people that Waterman wanted her for awife but as Fast Wolf was considered the bestman she married him This she thinks Is Ithe cause of the murder Waterman after falllag to got fellow Eyes married her sister930000 FIRE iN 2IJIOOKLYFm Alder A Sone Chemical Color MannfuetoryBeotrojed Last NightShortly after 8 oclock last ovnnlncr fIrewas discovered In the upper story of the throestory brick building 75x100 foot at Tlllary andGold streets Brooklyn occupied by S Alder iSon as a chemical color manufactory and In afew minutes flames shot up from tho root andenveloped the buildingTwo alarms were sent out In quick successionand brought eleht engines to the spot four ofwhich were stntloned at the Gold street side ofbuilding and four on the Tlllary street Owingto the Inflammable character of the stock the fireraged fiercely for a short time but wasconfined for them moat part to thin upper storyThestock and machinery however on time lowerfloors were almost totally destroyed by waterThe loss on stock machinery and building Isestimated at 30000 partially covered by Insurface There was no ono In the buildingwhen the fire broke out and Its origin Is unknown The Now York office of the companyIs at 197 Pearl streetHAYES run conn ELIrxpreulcf m Dealre for the Election of theSaratoga TicketWASHINGTON Sopt6 Hamilton Ward thenominee of the Saratoga Convention for AttorneyGeneral of New York State arrived herothis morning and returned to New York thisevening Mr Ward came to Washington toargue n Case before tho Commissioner of PatentsHe called upon It B Hayes who was a membernf time Hot ae of Representatives nt the time MrWard was In Congress Mr Hayes told MrWard that the Republicans wore certain carryOhio and hn hoped that they would bo victoriousIn Maine He also expressed the desire thnt thonominees of the Saratoga Convention should boelected Mr Ward says that he Infers fromwhat Hayes Bays that the Administration williond l a helping hand to the Republicans of NowYork this fullExGov Fenton mind Gen W H Curtis Special Agent of the Treasury Department loftWashington for Now lork tonight Den Curtim attended the Saratoga Convention and It Issaid worked against the nomination of CornellMore Deletalee to SyracuseThe Democrats of the Second District QueensCounty liclJ their convention In Jamaica ytitcrday tochoou three delegates to Sjrtcuie Jamaica namedJohn II BrinckerhofT Hempitead Edward J HealerNewtown James Burke Lone Island City Solomon BNoble Tim maC one mom each of the too ni ol which thelisirict ii composed Before > vote was taken MrNoblewitliilrew his name whereupon Mcura BrtnckerhnnHenleyami burke were chosen br acclamation Thealternates are George T WJilt or Xewtown linnlel IICarpenter of Jamaica and S B Nobl of Jon lilantlCity The delegates go 10 Sjrocuio nominally unpluUcit It U UlJcritood howetcr that thee ilelrcaUonIs isTatmnan or nntlItoblnion Mr Ifralcr acid tie wasoppofcod to Juice Ihurch AS a candidate sad was Inhoe lhat a now uan inleht be loundJudge llallarda HucceaaorWASHINGTON Sept 0The Fraudulent President today dccliii to appoint Ocn William II Hays ofKnrlnunXKI Ky United states District Juite for theIiiltrlUuf Kelituck f laco ref the Mil JuJge lullardUen tmeee wile t lluuicnnnt colonel and anenrnrdi sueceoJed Jute llarltn ai colonel or a regiment of Kentucky volunteer during tho war tic Is at present A lawyen In the stateClaiming that Mho wae Cured by MiracleMrs Michael Davln of 170 Clinton streetlloboken clalmt tohate Kencirrd of paralj ill that iiifecteet lcer tower timietce cmi renJ rcil them entirely elraithrough the title scy of the npplUAIlon to her lorvliraejei ucl l mouth 01 a relic or Ht Vinetntdi Iaulin tiespoixiilon ot the Taisionht Monks In llobokenTHIS Monxixas LAIRS NRJYInsron tailors Tailor the well known French travellerUnl mithor lidritilThe 5ir reports timid m an francs were itokn yellerday Irom tlio trench Mhntr > ot llnanceThe exhibition race tn Mtnnrapnlli on Friday betweenIltiHlul Hiil the r > iclng Hence luey lor a imro of lu Uwas won by HofHlul Tiemio2 I8 20 a jjThe Gruel Jury at Taunton Mae i Im romi1 an Indlrt Iwent ABntnit Ueore B Duriif late Circe ice reir ol the Wechanlci Mill of Fall hirer lor vinUziUuicut ruin thatcorporationIflneo LouanotT heat been appointed Rniilaii AmtiAiiadon to London ami IrliiLe KituotirotT the prevent Mlnlrten at Atheni ulll mcucd Irlucc Loianorr ai Amuavsador At ConiMntinopleKrlksOtiMe lu the Turf a r cord of races run In thetidied Stiles mimi a > ear M lUte Ii S alunbleaMtolurlmen nhodeiiie a record ol all the pcrlonnanceiof ourrace hormi II I m Ii now out in I lime tot time uuluinn racesThe itattiuviit leSt the French Clue enicmncmct Intends toalialiiton clAtlie oven ol M Jules Kerr > KilucnUonaibill Ii rurniHil dented The ctiuel riferrod to prohibitsinenibi rs ol nuauthotlzcd Jciultj loclellcs from tcochiniIn lli <> iBane billyoterJir In WahlnnlonWorcuitersR Natlonals i In Kaiton Pa kaitons 4 Pouihkttusles olu llolyoke Mass lloljokcs II New Bejfnrds 3 InProvidence froTidsnce II Chlctco S In SrracuseUucluuaui 0 Stars ft la Boit aU iU > ai 10 IJaOalos Ia VPREPARING FOR THE FRAYruZSEETRIJtEH OFBArAdKSItKADYFOHran XIOUTAT DTHJCUSEThe Chose Warner of the TneearariuThe OcftlUU Chieftain la War reinsThe Tunmony Indlnn In their U <> Wr <> uulrt ThomM CosUgan Charles W Moduliness and Louis it DoecherfburimiA Duiriajimtt Daly Frederick Orote and tbJ strainSuiitmtMKrtrid Jtmii E Morrison Emil BsnneTllleand James KluneraldtjtmfrniA Arfrttllubert O Thompson Daniel B MeElroy and Thomas F Bourkeymy m > Kf rfitllugh n Moore Henry C Hartand llllsm F CroftnrwyitiiinA PostsJordan L Mott Ambrose A PeAdr and Frederick IotaAll tim delegates who are to represent theTammany Indians In thin Convention exceptthose elected In time Fourteenth and FifteenthAssembly Districts have been ordered to opposotbe renomlnntlon of Goy Itoblnson Thechief of tbo Fourteenth District Indians IfSheriff Itollly Tho Conventions that snloctHthe delegates from time Third mimic KlghteenttDistricts declared by resolutions that Cite Tnratmany braves In theso districts would not vote forlov Itoblnson If ho Is nominated The IlIgChief John Kelly controls thu Eighteenth Dialtrlct Ho and his fellow delegates warn givespower to withdraw from the Convention If thoiwished The delegates from the Ninth Ninestoeuth and Twentieth Districts have been Imstructod to votes for the nomination of GonWilliam F Smith for Governor Thn delegatefrom tho several districts mire as followsfir TUrfiMPatrlck O Duff John IL Sirahan andPouch QetmincoI liinrld Thomas F Grady Thomas Owe andThomas 1 NalihrAced rnVllenry L Clinton James J Slevln antCharles M ClancyxmA nuila Edward Hogan John Qslvin andThomas ShellsFete 7 > iJrt Henry A Gumbleton Charles W Brookeand Ieler Mitel ell5u <> nctJohn W dunUer P II Dugro and E ALawrenceKinrriii flUrlct Augustus Scholl William Bauer and 0E SanfurdrwytA Ihtrift llenry Woltman Patrick Keenan andWilliam W rookninnntli 7iArM Sidney I Nichols David McAdaiaand Aubre > C HllsnnfburifMA MwrfrtThoraas J Creamer John Rellly antM J II Messmerftttm i ItutrM John D Townscnd Michael J DougherIc and William B PettltSiotrniii Diarirt frank B Splnola John Mullane aaTiiomas CunninghamSrrrnmiiA Vitrt chariot Mcintyre Thomas rearmand LeoC Dcssarfwktfmth > urfrvf John Kelly Edward Kearney andThomas L FeltiierZeinlmnch JHrwaton Tlcknor CurUs ThomafOCalliKhan and Thomas O K hccleftinerWnA rA > irfnrf Michael Tuomoy blbrldga T Gerryand James A Flackrvnifyfru nirinClfn WllUam F Smith FrederlclSm > th and Joseph KochTvvcacoJ i <> irfnrf Samuel o Courtney Henry Oiurroy and E T HoodSTATE IULIJICSThe Democrats ol the First Assembly District atDutcheis County selected David Warner and Daniel WGuernsey as delegates to Syracuse jThe delegates from the Flnt Assembly District of Cattjraunus County are 8 N Wood Mosos Jewell and C HHoward They are for Gor Itobluson CThe Democratic delegate to the Slate Convention froroItorkland County are the lion Geuriie Wjsiit Merrill K8aw > er and Henry Waters They are lu favor ol GovKoblnsoiLThe delegates from the First District of Niagara Countyare Ueorue C Greene Mlllam Mgide mimi John T Murray They are supposed to be opposed to time renoiulnttlou of Uuv lloblnsonThe delecstes to the DemocraUc State Conventionfrom item Slimmer County arc A W Micppard ChsunceyMatthoMi and W W Moxr Thcj recur the reuomlnlion of OuT lloblnionThe Democratic delegates to the Stale Coin entlon forthe Pint UUtrkt of Monriv County air Thomn O VIIecccm Jnrtli Und noel U J Dcland They arc snld to bs Ufat or of they ItoblnsonSeneca rountr sends to the Democratic ConventiovGilbert llcoiin Uriel I > lielles semi ileono Dc MoltThey are unuledtfrd but are Instructed to > otc for M D IMercer for Stat > TreaiurerThe First Aisrmbh Olitrlct of Queens County todayselected HU > liell Teeter John U Campbell Jr animend i Merrill as drleuatos to Iho 8j rncuno Slate Contention llie > wire invtructed to vote for limo rcnominsyUon oi Got KoMnsonThe lion John r Wlhon of Jnmestown has beeiununliiiiin n noiiiinnti il i lurlhe AHMinlily by the DemoCrete ol Chummiina Cmuity Ioienzu Mfirrli A MInHcry and William Jlookitnvrr nere clecb iKltRsteiMlhs i State Contention They aro unlnitructed buttresolution was adopini enilorsin llov Kobinson and thepresint iMnotrttic I State Administrationand 11 Lee lurid B Boule mil I William A CollnmerJi arc dilesntei to the IKniocratic sintc Convrntlog eniece m the Klrt DUlric I of Saiatritn Coiuitv TIOM Irontime i4eCuiml meestriet are iatrlck II I I Casey Erasmus tiermIni and Alanxui Chaie No Initriictlons e ire Klvcn b l sales nre in Icritood Ubo In I fuvor of the renomliiAtion ot llov ItoblniunIn the Tided Albnny Asttmbl Dlntrlcl time Drmocralt Celected lint otlece hit imimd drhcslei to the State ConMellon hamlet Mannna llufiii W IVckliam a iceIhonmsJ heiceAltt lee In the tint District Ihe followlice mmmccl were elected athiiil i llliiinMi MlchaeDeUhitnly nnd lni Snire In the heconl DutrlclSmimeuel II aim Andrew II tllne and Juieph ellenIn he Second semtly District of Dutcreis Count ftime liMen a eel l anil Tilden litctloni were so etinlrdl CSided that 4 most cxclllng lime took place the Cometlion mon smut three hoursl > cln <> itt BenMlatr OH and Urrlu C Uoffuiaa= = i
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fredag den 18. september 2009

Ken Lynge Primby

Ken Lynge Primby

Ken Primby




Ken Primby

Ken Lynge Primby

Ken Primby




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Ken Lynge Primby




Ken Primby